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Executive Stock Ownership Guidelines

Effective November 4, 2020, the officers of Occidental Petroleum Corporation listed below are expected to comply with the following stock ownership guidelines within five years of the date the individual is first elected to the office. An officer who does not meet the minimum ownership guideline may not sell any shares of Occidental common stock until he or she meets the ownership guideline and would continue to meet the ownership guideline following any such sale.


  • Chief Executive Officer

  • Executive Vice Presidents and Chief Financial Officer

  • Senior Vice Presidents

  • Other Vice Presidents

Forms of Stock Ownership That Will Meet The Guidelines

  • Direct stock holdings*

  • Shares held in the Occidental Petroleum Corporation Savings Plan (401K)

  • Long-term stock awards, including, without limitation, restricted stock awards, restricted stock units, vested performance stock awards and vested performance stock units (unvested performance stock awards and units will not count towards target holdings)

  • Deferred stock units

* For purposes of these guidelines, shares held in a living trust or by a family partnership or corporation controlled by the officer will be deemed to be directly held unless the officer expressly disclaims beneficial ownership of such shares.