Our DIB Commitment
Expanding opportunity for the benefit of our society
We are taking action to achieve diversity, inclusion and belonging (DIB) within our workforce and in the broader community, with the goal of improving lives and making the world a more just place.

Our Commitment to Our Society
For more than 100 years, Oxy has strived to make the world a better place by producing the energy that improves lives, promotes more equitable societies and expands opportunities for human achievement.
As we begin our second century, we remain committed to this principle and consider it our responsibility to support programs and initiatives that level the playing field and create new opportunities for the historically disenfranchised.
Our goal is be a leader in advancing a more diverse, equitable and inclusive society.

Our Commitment to Our Employees
Our Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB) program guides Oxy leadership in promoting a more equitable, inclusive and diverse workplace. In this video, Oxy employees share what DIB means to them.
Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at Oxy
Oxy's Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB) initiative reflects a collaborative, leadership-driven, employee-inspired approach to diversity, equity and inclusion. Our commitment starts with senior management and the Board of Directors with employees playing a critical role in design, implementation and stewardship.
Statement from the Board of Directors
Statement from the Board of Directors
Oxy aspires to create a culture of diversity, inclusion and belonging where differences are appreciated, all employees are included, and everyone feels they belong.
The Board of Directors is committed to partnering with and supporting Oxy’s management team as we strive to ensure that all employees can truly feel a sense of belonging, both at Oxy and in the communities we serve.
DIB Advisory Board
DIB Advisory Board
Oxy's DIB efforts are overseen by the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Advisory Board which provides DIB governance and oversight to ensure that Oxy’s overall, integrated diversity and inclusion strategy is executed and properly aligns with the organization’s mission, vision and strategic objectives.
The board also helps institutionalize policies and practices that support equity for all our employees.
Oxy President and CEO Vicki Hollub chairs the Advisory Board, which includes some of the company's most senior leadership.
DIB Ambassador Committee
DIB Ambassador Committee
The Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Ambassador Committee is responsible for for leading company-wide DIB initiatives.
As diversity and inclusion champions, committee members serve as an educational resource for Oxy employees, raising DIB awareness through programs, activities, training and community outreach, and promoting and advocating a collaborative vision of diversity and inclusion. They also support the Advisory Board in the execution of Oxy’s DIB strategy and overall objectives.
The Ambassador Committee consists of a diverse group of employee representatives from all business segments, domestic and international, led by Angela Johnson, who heads our DIB efforts.
Employee Resource Groups
Employee Resource Groups
Employee resource groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led organizations that promote community, knowledge-sharing and employee engagement within our organization. ERGs can help advance inclusion and a sense of belonging for employees with a common set of interests and goals.
Oxy supports a variety of internal ERGs, including:
- Allyship Network
- Asian Heritage Network
- Black Employee Network
- Early Career Network
- FRIEND Neurodiversity Network
- Hispanic Network
- Mental Health Matters Network
- MOSAIC Multicultural Network
- OUT (LGBT+) Network
- Veterans Network
- Women of Oxy Network
Statement from the Board of Directors
Oxy aspires to create a culture of diversity, inclusion and belonging where differences are appreciated, all employees are included, and everyone feels they belong.
The Board of Directors is committed to partnering with and supporting Oxy’s management team as we strive to ensure that all employees can truly feel a sense of belonging, both at Oxy and in the communities we serve.
DIB Advisory Board
Oxy's DIB efforts are overseen by the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Advisory Board which provides DIB governance and oversight to ensure that Oxy’s overall, integrated diversity and inclusion strategy is executed and properly aligns with the organization’s mission, vision and strategic objectives.
The board also helps institutionalize policies and practices that support equity for all our employees.
Oxy President and CEO Vicki Hollub chairs the Advisory Board, which includes some of the company's most senior leadership.
DIB Ambassador Committee
The Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Ambassador Committee is responsible for for leading company-wide DIB initiatives.
As diversity and inclusion champions, committee members serve as an educational resource for Oxy employees, raising DIB awareness through programs, activities, training and community outreach, and promoting and advocating a collaborative vision of diversity and inclusion. They also support the Advisory Board in the execution of Oxy’s DIB strategy and overall objectives.
The Ambassador Committee consists of a diverse group of employee representatives from all business segments, domestic and international, led by Angela Johnson, who heads our DIB efforts.
Employee Resource Groups
Employee resource groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led organizations that promote community, knowledge-sharing and employee engagement within our organization. ERGs can help advance inclusion and a sense of belonging for employees with a common set of interests and goals.
Oxy supports a variety of internal ERGs, including:
- Allyship Network
- Asian Heritage Network
- Black Employee Network
- Early Career Network
- FRIEND Neurodiversity Network
- Hispanic Network
- Mental Health Matters Network
- MOSAIC Multicultural Network
- OUT (LGBT+) Network
- Veterans Network
- Women of Oxy Network
Awards & Recognition
Diversity Leadership
Oxy is committed to being a leader in the effort to make our workplace and world more diverse, inclusive and equitable.
- 2021: GRIT Award - Thaimar Ramirez, Development Director
DEI National Convention
- 2022: DEI Influencer - Angela Johnson, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion
Energy Diversity & Inclusion Council
- 2023: National MLK Leadership Award - Angela Johnson, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion
- 2021: TOP CEOs in Energy - Vicki Hollub, President & CEO
- 2021: Top DEI Champion - Angela Johnson, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion
Forbes Most Powerful Women
- 2021: World's 100 Most Powerful Women - Vicki Hollub, President & CEO
Hart Energy Conferences
- 2021: 25 Influential Women in Energy - Marcia Backus, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
- 2021: E&P's 2021 "40 Under Forty" - Nancy Zakhour, Well Design Lead
Southern Youth Leadership Development Institute
- 2022: Rosa Parks Gala Honoree - Vicki Hollub, President & CEO
Oxy partners with external DIB organizations as part of our commitment to continuously expand our knowledge and engagement in diversity and inclusion. Our allies include:
- Women's Energy Network (WEN)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- National Diversity Council
- Association of Chinese American Professionals (ACAP)
We also have been a major sponsor for these conferences:
- Women’s Global Leadership Conference in Energy
- Energy Inclusion Conference
Social Justice
Expanding Equity and Opportunity Globally
One of the ways Oxy seeks to promote a more equitable world is by supporting initiatives that improve access to health care in underserved populations.
In Houston, Oxy is a supporter of the Houston Methodist Community Scholars Program, an initiative that provides specialty health care to uninsured and underserved patients in the Houston area.
The program provides care for patients in Federally Qualified Health Centers and free clinics across the greater Houston area with a focus on specialty care in areas including neurology, cardiology, ophthalmology, hematology/oncology, pulmonology, endocrinology and nephrology.
With Oxy's support, the program has expanded to to include a palliative care fellowship and the establishment of the Occidental Petroleum Health Outcomes–Quality of Life Improvement Program. The program uses a rigorous, data-driven approach to help ensure that patients in the program always receive what they deserve—the highest possible quality of care. Oxy also endowed a chair in quality and outcomes research. The Palliative Care component of the program provides patients with a serious, chronic or terminal illness with health care services that go beyond what is typically available in a community clinic.
"Oxy is committed to strengthening our communities, and this program does just that by enhancing patient access to specialty health care and providing a high level of care to those who otherwise might go untreated," said Oxy President and CEO Vicki Hollub.
Houston Methodist has treated approximately 5,800 patients across nine specialties in five community clinic locations in the Greater Houston Area.
In Oman, the Mukhaizna Clinic reflects Oxy's commitment to the well-being and social welfare of its workforce, neighboring communities and the Sultanate of Oman.
Occidental Oman opened the clinic as a health care facility for personnel working at the nearby Mukhaizna Field. In addition to Oxy employees, contractors and their families, the Mukhaizna Clinic offers its full complement of services and care to local residents.
With the nearest government clinic approximately 100 kilometers (62 miles) away, area residents are taking advantage of the Mukhaizna Clinic's proximity and wide range of services.
After passing through the welcoming entrance, patients find a waiting room, a doctor's office, an emergency room and an additional treatment room. The clinic is equipped to handle everything from routine doctor visits to emergency operations.
Thriving production at the Mukhaizna Field and area population growth make our Mukhaizna Clinic a vital regional resource—not only for providing urgent medical care, but also in promoting safety and wellness in the workplace and the broader community.
Water quality and cleanliness are core to OxyChem’s business and have been reflected in our sustainability initiatives for years.
One example is our partnership with Water Mission, which focuses on the global drinking water crisis. OxyChem has donated water disinfection products to supply over one million people with clean drinking water in refugee camps or disaster relief areas in 18 countries around the world. This important partnership was honored with the prestigious Sustainability Leadership Award from the American Chemistry Council in 2020. To help raise awareness for the urgent need to expand global access to clean water, OxyChem is sponsoring the Global Water Center®. This first-of-its-kind educational center leverages multi-sensory exhibits in a highly interactive environment featuring new technology to inspire people to help end the global water crisis.
To learn more about OxyChem's commitment to water quality and cleanliness, click here.
Expanding access to education and jobs is key to making our society more equitable. One way Oxy is doing this is by partnering with Tuskegee University, a historically black college in Tuskegee, Alabama, with strong programs in chemical, mechanical, aerospace and electrical engineering.
We are a proud sponsor of the Tuskegee University FASTREC bridge program, which provides financial and academic support for incoming first-year students interested in math and engineering.
Oxy also partners with several universities, from which we seek early career talent, to sponsor scholarships that support diverse students.
As part of our commitment to expanding opportunity and making society more equitable, Oxy provides financial support for programs designed to help at-risk youth reach their full potential.
In the U.S. Permian Basin, Oxy partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad, N.M., to renovate its teen center. Oxy continued its support with funds to its scholarship program, granting nearly 2000 scholarships; renovations to its gymnasiums’ scoreboards and bleachers; installation of security cameras in the teen center; and its Online Learning Program. The Online Learning Program provided computer equipment and network upgrades, educational materials, software, integration and coordination with Carlsbad Municipal Schools and tutoring for club members.
In Houston, Oxy partners with the Astros Foundation to provide support to the educational growth of at-risk children, including:
- Funding for renovation and improvement of the Denver Harbor baseball fields which serve at-risk youth
- Sponsorship of the Community Leaders Program allows Denver Harbor Little League to reduce registration fees by more than 60 percent per player, and supports the provision of uniforms and equipment for participants.
- Sponsorship of the Astros Literacy Bus which distributes age-appropriate books to Houston-area kids and encourages family reading in the community. Distribution takes place at various schools, underserved communities, youth organizations and city-owned baseball and softball fields like Denver Harbor.
By the Numbers
As of December 31, 2023, Oxy had 12,570 global employees, with nearly 70 percent located in the United States. Here are some key figures about our U.S. workforce:
of management positions held by women
of management positions held by minorities